Friday, December 08, 2006

man made monster made man made monster

Can you kill?
Can you maim?
Can you rape?
Can you monger war?
Can you think?
Can you gain?
Can you destroy it all?
Can you hate?
Can you arm children?
Can you push the button?
Can you drop the bomb?
Can you care?
Can you spread fear?
Can you embrace the darkness?
Can you ignore famine?
Can you ignore pain?
Can you ignore disease?
Can you ignore the screams?
Can you tear a nation apart?
Can you watch them squirm?
Can you live with yourself?
You self satisfied worm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A monster's vanity is as infinite as their disgust with themselves.
those eyes will haunt me for weeks
*hides behind a cloud*